"Moses" Tagged Sermons
Daily Praise
Sermon text: Psalm 95:1-11 We do all sort of activities every single day. What about praising God? Not thanking Him, though we certainly deserves that too. After all, He is the One who made everything and blesses us beyond measure. Praise is different, though. Praise is recognizing God for who He is. Praise replays His great works and His amazing attributes.

Getting Our Attention (Luke 9:28-36)
Sometimes we just get too caught up in the day to day activities of life. But God will use whatever He deems necessary to get our attention. In the case of Peter, James, and John, Jesus took them on the mountain to see Him transfigured. He wanted to see that they couldn’t just see Him as their teacher. He was much more than that.

Flip Your Life (2 Kings 18:4-6)
King Hezekiah did good in God’s sight. Early in his reign he cleaned house spiritually. He tore down the idols and high places. He even destroyed a venerated object constructed by Moses. Hezekiah knew this was necessary to bring his nation back to God. Using this good king’s actions as a template, Pastor Bruce shares how we can do the same in our lives.

God’s Got This! (Exodus 3:12)
When Moses encountered God at the burning bush his life changed. God had a mission for Moses: he was to lead the children of Israel out of captivity and to the Promised Land. Moses’ initial response was that he was not up to the task. God’s response is the basis for this sermon. He gave Moses two assurances which we can also count on as we serve our Lord. First, God will always be with us. He will never leave…