Sermons on Theology
Where It All Started
Sermon text: Genesis 3:1-24 Mankind’s history with sin began in the garden of Eden. Everything God created was good, including Adam and Eve. They had the best of everything. God had set them up in paradise. But the serpent convinced Eve that God was holding out on her and her husband. She fell for his scheme and disobeyed God. Adam, though, was not deceived. He simply succumbed to temptation and rebelled as well.
God’s Love
Sermon text: 1 John 4:9-10 The greatest demonstration of God’s love is Jesus Christ. When God sent His only begotten Son to die for mankind’s sin, God gave the most precious gift He could give. What’s even more amazing about this is that God showed us this love before we even loved Him.
Oh, to be Caught Up with Jesus! (1 Corinthians 15:51-52)
Many believers are awaiting the Rapture of the church. Pastor Chuck explains what this is and when it might occur. He also encourages Christians to be strong in these trying times.
What God Values (Exodus 20:1-17)
If we want to be faithful to God, it helps to know what He values. And what better place to start than the Ten Commandments. But the commandments (and the law as a whole) are actually only minimums. Jesus expects much more from His followers.