More Than Checking the Boxes

The Joy of Giving

Sermon text: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 The church in Jerusalem was struggling mightily. Paul was working on collecting an offering from among the churches in Asia and Europe to help them. The church in Corinth had decided to help, but then had second thoughts. Paul’s encouragement to the Corinthians provides four powerful principles for giving. First, you get out of giving what you put into it. Next, giving must be from the heart. Third, our ability to give comes from God.…

No Reason to Wait

Sermon text: Revelation 4 & 5 Why is worship important? Look no further than the throne room of God. Worship is central to the existence of the beings gathered around God’s throne. So if worship is a key aspect of life in heaven, shouldn’t it be here on earth? After all, God is the One who created us and gives us our being. And Jesus is the One who saved us and gives us the hope for tomorrow and eternity.…

More Than a Book

Topical Sermon Sermon 2 in our series “More Than Checking the Boxes.” The Bible is our guide for life. Yet, its importance can get lost in the rush of daily life. If it mattered enough to God to write it and preserve it, shouldn’t it matter enough to us to know what’s in it? Not just a surface awareness of its contents, either. No, a deep, abiding appreciation for and understanding of Scripture. This is what we need to grow,…

Connecting for the Kingdom

Sermon text: Ephesians 4:11-16 This first sermon in the series “More Than Checking the Boxes” looks at why being part of a regular Bible study matters. A follower of Jesus Christ should be a lifelong student of His Word. To that end, Jesus designed His church to lead believers toward Christian maturity.