Sermons on Worship
Good Tidings of Great Joy
Sermon text: Luke 2:10-14 Most people, even those who only have a passing knowledge of Scripture, know Luke’s account of the birth of Jesus. It’s a moving and powerful recounting of our Savior’s entry into this world as a baby. Within this passage, we see the announcement of the birth to shepherds abiding in the fields. The proclamation made to them by the angel and then the angelic host is worthy of a deeper reflection.
Make Jesus Famous
Sermon text: Luke 3:16-17 John the Baptist was massively famous in Israel around 30 AD. Yet he knew his mission. He was a forerunner of the One to come. He was to prepare the people’s hearts for repentance. When the people began to question whether John may be the Messiah, he wasn’t coy about it at all. He pointed them to the One who was truly the Messiah.
Get Your Praise On
Sermon text: 2 Samuel 6:12-23 David wrote many of the psalms we have in our Bible. He was without a doubt a great worship leader. That didn’t change when he became the king of Israel. The high water mark of David’s life of worship was when the ark of the covenant made its way into Jerusalem. After years of obscurity, this most venerated of all worship articles finally was back in a place of prominence. And David let everyone know…
Celebrate Today
Sermon text: Psalm 118:24 Every day is a gift of God. This is true whether you actually believe in Him or not. But for those who have a relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ, each day has a greater impact. That’s because we have the opportunity to worship and serve our Lord. This reality should cause us to celebrate every single day.
No Reason to Wait
Sermon text: Revelation 4 & 5 Why is worship important? Look no further than the throne room of God. Worship is central to the existence of the beings gathered around God’s throne. So if worship is a key aspect of life in heaven, shouldn’t it be here on earth? After all, God is the One who created us and gives us our being. And Jesus is the One who saved us and gives us the hope for tomorrow and eternity.…
Prayer First (1 Timothy 2:1-4)
In order to be in tune with God’s will, believers need to pray. It’s really that simple. But prayer isn’t simple. It’s more than just something to do at mealtime or before bed. It needs to be kingdom focused. That’s what Paul describes in today’s text. Christians need to pray for others, but especially for our leaders. And the goal of our prayers is to see those we pray for come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
It Starts with the Heart (Mark 14:3-9)
Jesus said that the act of worship recorded in the focal passage would be spoken of wherever the gospel is preached. That’s a very strong statement, which Jesus certainly didn’t make lightly. But it isn’t what was done that captured our Lord’s attention. It was what motivated the action that made the difference. And it’s this motivation that should challenge every follower of Christ.
The Way to Pray (Matthew 6:9-13)
Almost everyone has heard of the Lord’s Prayer, and many can recite it. The thing is, it’s really more of a model. In these trying days of COVID-19 a lot of people are praying. But do their prayers line up with the pattern Jesus taught?

More Than a Carol (Matthew 2:1-12)
Even people who don’t know much about the Bible have heard of the wise men who visited Jesus after His birth. A lot of what we think we know about them is not in Scripture. But beyond the facts, their quest to find the Messiah can teach us a couple valuable lessons.

Where God Lives (Psalm 22:3)
God is spirit. He is not constrained by space or time. He can be everywhere at the same time. But that doesn’t mean that God necessarily makes His presence known everywhere equally. The fact is, God shows Himself where He’s honored and worshiped.