Sermons on Testimony
No Matter What
Drew Padilla describes his salvation experience. The persistent efforts of one Christian led Drew to surrender his life to Jesus Christ. Drew also presents a challenge to tell someone about Jesus.
The Thin Line of Faith (Joshua 2:15-24)
In the second week of our look at Rahab, the focus is on the clarity of the gospel message. The spies gave Rahab very specific instructions on what she must do to survive the conquest of Jericho. If she followed their directives, she would survive. If not, they would not be responsible for her demise. Similarly, when the Holy Spirit presents the opportunity to witness to a lost person, we need to present the plan of salvation in a clear,…
Where We Stand
The church in America sometimes conflates patriotism with Christianity. Believers must always remember our first citizenship is in the kingdom of God. But that doesn’t mean that we cannot love our country as well. Using the most famous sentence from the Declaration of Independence, Pastor Bruce discusses this tension between God and country. Along the way he shows that a Christian worldview helps us understand the intentions of our founding fathers.
God’s Priorities (Matthew 23:23-26)
In this world where appearances are so important, it’s easy to overemphasize actions. We can become so caught up in surface issues that we lose sight of what actually is of eternal worth. Jesus makes it clear in the focal passage for today that it’s what is in the heart that really matters.
Strangers and Aliens (2 Peter 2:11-12)
Christians shouldn’t look like everybody else. Our lives should demonstrate Christ, not the world. But as we lead a life that pleases Christ, we demonstrate His love for us and for others.
The Truth About Judging (Matthew 7:1-6)
We hear it all the time these days. People are constantly complaining about how Christians are judgmental. But is judging really wrong? Now when it’s done according to Scripture.

Staying Focused (Acts 20:22-24)
God never promised that the Christian life would be easy. Jesus certainly experienced this, as did the apostle Paul. But regardless of the circumstances, we need to keep our eyes on why we’re here. It also helps to realize that God’s mission is bigger than any one person.

Words of Worth (Ephesians 4:29)
So much of what we hear and read these days is harsh and confrontational. With all of our technology these words are getting to us faster and in more ways than ever. Scripture makes it clear that what we say and write should be uplifting, not damaging. Pastor Bruce discusses how our words should pass the quality test and the value test. The quality test gauges whether our words are corrupt or not. The value test ascertains whether what we…

The Value of Your Testimony (1 Timothy 1:12-14)
The apostle Paul had an amazing testimony. We read it not once but several times in Scripture. Charlie Whitcomb uses Paul’s testimony as an encouragement for each of us to praise the Lord for our salvation.

Wholehearted Obedience (Genesis 22:1-19)
God desires our complete yieldedness. It doesn’t matter whether things are going as we expect. He may require more of us than we think possible. But anything less than our full obedience shortchanges God’s plan.
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