Sermons on Thankfulness
Why We’re Thankful
Sermon text: Psalm 107:1 We all can find much for which we should be thankful. But if you cook it down, the psalmists give us the main reasons to be thankful. We serve Yahweh God, for whom nothing is impossible. Not only that, He’s given us an avenue to have a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. Yahweh is good, in that He is able to supply our needs. But His goodness also means that He is holy, sinless, and…
Get Your Praise On
Sermon text: 2 Samuel 6:12-23 David wrote many of the psalms we have in our Bible. He was without a doubt a great worship leader. That didn’t change when he became the king of Israel. The high water mark of David’s life of worship was when the ark of the covenant made its way into Jerusalem. After years of obscurity, this most venerated of all worship articles finally was back in a place of prominence. And David let everyone know…
Daily Praise
Sermon text: Psalm 95:1-11 We do all sort of activities every single day. What about praising God? Not thanking Him, though we certainly deserves that too. After all, He is the One who made everything and blesses us beyond measure. Praise is different, though. Praise is recognizing God for who He is. Praise replays His great works and His amazing attributes.
Up or Down
Sermon text: Philippians 4:10-13 Paul went through a lot in His life after becoming a follower of Jesus. He experienced amazing blessings and bone-crushing defeats. But he learned to be content, regardless of his circumstances. The key to that contentment was his relationship with Jesus. Whether life was going great or not, Paul found his sufficiency in Christ.
A Thanksgiving Lament (Psalm 13)
For many of us 2020 has been a tough year. But even in years with less drama, it’s possible to experience setbacks. And sometimes those challenges can go on for quite some time. How does the believer confront the struggles of life? The many lament psalms show us that we can still depend on God and His grace, regardless of what is happening at any given point.
Prayer First (1 Timothy 2:1-4)
In order to be in tune with God’s will, believers need to pray. It’s really that simple. But prayer isn’t simple. It’s more than just something to do at mealtime or before bed. It needs to be kingdom focused. That’s what Paul describes in today’s text. Christians need to pray for others, but especially for our leaders. And the goal of our prayers is to see those we pray for come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
It Starts with the Heart (Mark 14:3-9)
Jesus said that the act of worship recorded in the focal passage would be spoken of wherever the gospel is preached. That’s a very strong statement, which Jesus certainly didn’t make lightly. But it isn’t what was done that captured our Lord’s attention. It was what motivated the action that made the difference. And it’s this motivation that should challenge every follower of Christ.
An Encouragement (Philippians 4:4-9)
Life can be tough, whether there’s a pandemic or not. If you’re struggling, you can find peace and keep that peace in your life. Paul’s concluding remarks to the church at Philippi are an encouragement to anyone who needs that peace.

Where God Lives (Psalm 22:3)
God is spirit. He is not constrained by space or time. He can be everywhere at the same time. But that doesn’t mean that God necessarily makes His presence known everywhere equally. The fact is, God shows Himself where He’s honored and worshiped.

What’s Your First Sentence? (Jeremiah 9:23-24)
Just as in Jeremiah’s day, people today value skill, power, and riches above just about everything else. In fact, many put their trust in these whether they possess them or someone else does. But where our trust and glory should rest is in our relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. All of this will pass away. But God and His righteousness are eternal.
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