Sermons on Heaven
A Scary Story
Sermon text: Luke 16:19-31 Near the end of His earthly ministry Jesus taught the parable of Lazarus and the rich man. This story challenged the greed of the religious leaders of Jesus’ day. But its timely truths reach all the way to our own time and culture. This parable is a beautiful illustration of the oft-repeated biblical principle of the first being last and the last, first. It also teaches us that our eternal destination is set once this life…
No Reason to Wait
Sermon text: Revelation 4 & 5 Why is worship important? Look no further than the throne room of God. Worship is central to the existence of the beings gathered around God’s throne. So if worship is a key aspect of life in heaven, shouldn’t it be here on earth? After all, God is the One who created us and gives us our being. And Jesus is the One who saved us and gives us the hope for tomorrow and eternity.…

Free Indeed (Colossians 1:13-14)
We were all born with a sin nature. Not only does this make us do wrong things, it enslaves us to sin. Jesus came to free us from that bondage. Through His death and resurrection those who trust in Him for salvation have been rescued from the power and influence of sin. God transfers us from the darkness of sin to His glorious kingdom.

The Power of God’s Presence (Isaiah 6:1-8)
Words cannot adequately describe Isaiah’s vision of the throneroom of God. What we do know is that he was confronted with God’s awesome holiness and power. Compared to this, Isaiah recognized his sinful condition. But God readily cleansed him and prepared him for service. Chances are you will not experience a vision like Isaiah’s. But if you are a true follower of Jesus you you can know God’s power and presence personally.

Souls for Sale
Pastor Chuck explains why it is so important to give your life to Jesus Christ. It’s not just about where you’ll spend eternity. You also have an eternal mission on earth to complete.

A Godly Wish (John 14:1-3)
Pastor Chuck explains that God has a wish for every human being, and that Jesus backs this up with four promises.