Sermons from March 2022

Get Your Praise On

Sermon text: 2 Samuel 6:12-23 David wrote many of the psalms we have in our Bible. He was without a doubt a great worship leader. That didn’t change when he became the king of Israel. The high water mark of David’s life of worship was when the ark of the covenant made its way into Jerusalem. After years of obscurity, this most venerated of all worship articles finally was back in a place of prominence. And David let everyone know…

Portrait of an Encourager

Sermon text: Acts 4:36, Acts 9:27, Acts 11:22-30, Acts 15:36-41 Barnabas played a major role in the first years of the Christian church. He was respected and trusted by the apostles. They were the ones who gave him the name Barnabas, which means “Son of Encouragement.” The life and ministry of this man can teach us a lot about what it means to be an encourager.

Expect Correction

Sermon text: Proverbs 3:11-12 If you have trusted as your Savior and your Lord, you belong to God. And if you belong to God, He is going to correct you. It could a be a minor course adjustment or a major redirection, depending on the dynamics of your relationship with Him. And He will use whatever He needs to make the correction. Often God instructs through circumstances. But He also uses prayer, His word, and other people to get the…

Which Soil are You?

Sermon text: Mark 4:1-20 The message of the parable of the sower is that we must be faithful in telling others about Jesus, regardless of how they receive it. Jesus presents four different hearers in this parable. While not the central purpose of the parable, one cannot help but ask, “Which soil am I?” This takes introspection and honesty, which can be difficult for many of us. But the reward of unflinching self-assessment can be a closer walk with the…