God’s Got This! (Exodus 3:12)

God’s Got This! (Exodus 3:12)

When Moses encountered God at the burning bush his life changed. God had a mission for Moses: he was to lead the children of Israel out of captivity and to the Promised Land. Moses’ initial response was that he was not up to the task. God’s response is the basis for this sermon. He gave Moses two assurances which we can also count on as we serve our Lord. First, God will always be with us. He will never leave us to fend for ourselves. We see this all through the Scriptures. Jesus told the disciples He would be with His church until the end of the age. We can rest confidently in that promise. Second, God told Moses to walk in faith. Specifically God told Moses he would know that God was leading the mission when Moses returned to this site to worship with all the children of Israel. A lot would happen in the interim. Yet moses relied on God. We can walk that same walk of faith. God’s got this! We just need to believe that and trust in him completely.