Sermons from November 2021

Straight Talk From Jesus

Sermon text: John 10:22-30 Jesus was challenged again during the Hanukkah celebration the winter before His crucifixion. The Jewish people at the temple wanted Him to tell them plainly if He was the Messiah. He had given them abundant confirmation of this in many ways. He had taught them with authority. He had performed many, many miracles. Yet they were not convinced. Their lack of faith stood in the way of them seeing Jesus for who He was. They also…

Daily Praise

Sermon text: Psalm 95:1-11 We do all sort of activities every single day. What about praising God? Not thanking Him, though we certainly deserves that too. After all, He is the One who made everything and blesses us beyond measure. Praise is different, though. Praise is recognizing God for who He is. Praise replays His great works and His amazing attributes.

The Boldness of Faith

Sermon text: Acts 4:1-22 After Peter and John healed a crippled man outside the temple in Jerusalem, they were arrested. But the arrest wasn’t because of their merciful action. No, the authorities took them in to custody because of Peter’s sermon immediately following the miracle. Peter dared to preach about Jesus and His resurrection. The authorities couldn’t have Jesus’ followers preaching about the resurrection. But Peter and John would not be silenced. They had a message that needed to get…


Sermon text: Luke 23:32-49 Crucifixion was one of the most horrific forms of punishment ever devised by mankind. The treatment Jesus received prior to His crucifixion was brutal and sadistic. Taken together, Jesus suffered the worst death imaginable. He was mocked and jeered by the Jewish leaders, the Roman soldiers, the crowd, and even the criminals hanging beside Him. Yet He endured all of this to save us from our sin.