Sermons on Faith (Page 2)

A Scary Story

Sermon text: Luke 16:19-31 Near the end of His earthly ministry Jesus taught the parable of Lazarus and the rich man. This story challenged the greed of the religious leaders of Jesus’ day. But its timely truths reach all the way to our own time and culture. This parable is a beautiful illustration of the oft-repeated biblical principle of the first being last and the last, first. It also teaches us that our eternal destination is set once this life…

Don’t Think So, Know So

Sermon text: 2 Timothy 1:12 Paul was absolutely certain about his faith in Jesus Christ. Not only that, he had no question about the fact that Jesus would keep all that Paul had entrusted to Him. This included not just Paul’s own salvation, but that of everyone he had led to Christ. You and I and anyone who puts their trust in Jesus as Savior and Lord can have the same level of certainty.

Keep It Up

Sermon text: Hebrews 6:9-12 All Christians should strive to be spiritually mature. The writer of Hebrews noticed that some of his readers were falling short of this goal. They had not turned from God. Indeed, they had shown themselves to be faithful ministers to other believers. But they seemed to running out of steam as they got older. This is a challenge for many Christians today. They are tired or they feel they did their part earlier in life. The…

Up or Down

Sermon text: Philippians 4:10-13 Paul went through a lot in His life after becoming a follower of Jesus. He experienced amazing blessings and bone-crushing defeats. But he learned to be content, regardless of his circumstances. The key to that contentment was his relationship with Jesus. Whether life was going great or not, Paul found his sufficiency in Christ.


Sermon text: Psalm 125 God can be trusted. Not just in the big things, but in everything. He is fully truthful and faithful to His promises. And because He is eternal, there is no time limit on God. Yet humanity usually puts its trust in so many other people and things. But if you place your trust fully in God, you can face this life steadfast and confident. This world will eventually let you down. God never will.

Finding Jesus in the Storms

Sermon text: Matthew 14:22-33 Missionary Andrew Greenplate updates the church on his family’s ministry. He then presents a timely message about looking to Jesus in times of trials. The disciples were intimidated by their situation during a storm on the sea of Galilee. But when they focused on Jesus, their perspective was changed.

Defining Moments

Sermon text: Esther 4:10-5:4 We all face challenges in life. Some of these situations can seem too big to overcome. Queen Esther faced a life-threatening predicament of her own. How God led her through that defining moment in her life teaches us how to approach our own tough times.

Don’t Settle

Sermon text: Genesis 16:1-6 God’s plan for each of us is perfect. That shouldn’t be surprising, since God is all-knowing. In fact, He’s know His plan since before creation. Yet, we imperfect and certainly not all-knowing humans try to convince Him of the merits of our plans. We settle for something that we don’t even know is going to turn out right, instead of His perfect plan.

A Thanksgiving Lament (Psalm 13)

For many of us 2020 has been a tough year. But even in years with less drama, it’s possible to experience setbacks. And sometimes those challenges can go on for quite some time. How does the believer confront the struggles of life? The many lament psalms show us that we can still depend on God and His grace, regardless of what is happening at any given point.

Jesus’ Words (John 14:1-6)

We experience good times and bad in life. It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day. But followers of Christ need to remember that this is not our home. Our mission while here and the promise of life in the hereafter should change our daily focus.