Sermons on Discipleship (Page 5)

Grace Period (2 Corinthians 5:18-21)

Jesus came to earth the first time to usher in His kingdom. He came to seek and save the lost. As he departed after His resurrection He charged His followers with making disciples. We are still in that period of human history. We’ve been given a grace period to lead as many as we can to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Scripture tells us clearly that Jesus Christ will return. And when He comes back this time, it will…

A Thanksgiving Lament (Psalm 13)

For many of us 2020 has been a tough year. But even in years with less drama, it’s possible to experience setbacks. And sometimes those challenges can go on for quite some time. How does the believer confront the struggles of life? The many lament psalms show us that we can still depend on God and His grace, regardless of what is happening at any given point.

Focus (Philippians 3:12-14)

Paul had an amazing resume prior to becoming a follower of Christ. He considered these accomplishments to be so much garbage. He had also accomplished a great deal for the cause of Christ by the time he wrote his letter to the Philippian church. This wasn’t garbage at all. In fact, this was kingdom work. But Paul wasn’t going to bask in his past accomplishments either. He wasn’t done. He wanted to serve Christ effectively until the Lord received him…

Jesus’ Words (John 14:1-6)

We experience good times and bad in life. It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day. But followers of Christ need to remember that this is not our home. Our mission while here and the promise of life in the hereafter should change our daily focus.

Current Events (Romans 1:18-32)

God’s wrath is a part of his righteousness. If God did not punish sin, then He would not be truly righteous. The latter part of the first chapter of Romans describes to whom and why this wrath must be applied. And even though these words were written almost 2000 years ago, the actions they describe are as fresh as tonight’s evening news.

Finishing Well (1 Peter 4:7-11)

Time is short. Jesus could return tomorrow. If not, we’re still not guaranteed tomorrow. But what if you live another fifty years? Time is still short from an eternal standpoint. We need to be tuned into God’s priorities. We need to align our prayers with His kingdom. And then we need to pour our lives into others.

Crabgrass in the Lawn of Life

Sin can destroy every aspect of your life. But Jesus’ finished work on the cross is greater than the power of sin. He is able save you and cleanse you of all unrighteousness. But you have to ask Him.

On Call (2 Timothy 4:1-5)

We never know when the Lord will lead us to talk with someone about Him. It may with an individual who is searching for answers, or someone who thinks they know everything. He could want to us to correct an erring believer or witness to an unbeliever. Because we cannot know when those opportunities will come, we need to be ready all the time.

Prayer First (1 Timothy 2:1-4)

In order to be in tune with God’s will, believers need to pray. It’s really that simple. But prayer isn’t simple. It’s more than just something to do at mealtime or before bed. It needs to be kingdom focused. That’s what Paul describes in today’s text. Christians need to pray for others, but especially for our leaders. And the goal of our prayers is to see those we pray for come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.