Sermons on Discipleship (Page 2)

Expect Correction

Sermon text: Proverbs 3:11-12 If you have trusted as your Savior and your Lord, you belong to God. And if you belong to God, He is going to correct you. It could a be a minor course adjustment or a major redirection, depending on the dynamics of your relationship with Him. And He will use whatever He needs to make the correction. Often God instructs through circumstances. But He also uses prayer, His word, and other people to get the…

Which Soil are You?

Sermon text: Mark 4:1-20 The message of the parable of the sower is that we must be faithful in telling others about Jesus, regardless of how they receive it. Jesus presents four different hearers in this parable. While not the central purpose of the parable, one cannot help but ask, “Which soil am I?” This takes introspection and honesty, which can be difficult for many of us. But the reward of unflinching self-assessment can be a closer walk with the…

More Effective Sowing

Sermon text: Galatians 6:7-9 The law of sowing and reaping is universal and God ordained. But it’s easy to miss the finer points of this important principle. First, if you plan to have a worthwhile harvest you need to sow with intention. A willy-nilly approach to sowing won’t yield very much of worth. Second, we must be careful to not limit our sowing opportunities. There are many occasions in our everyday life when we can sow seeds which honor God.

High-Octane Grace

God gives His grace to everyone. Whether someone worships God or curses Him, they benefit from God’s grace in their life. This is known as God’s common grace. We all receive this from God innumerable times a day. The air we breathe, the sunshine, what we eat, our families, our jobs, and everything else good is a product of God’s common grace. But there is another aspect of God’s grace known as special grace. This is reserved for those who…

Going Deeper

Sermon text: 1 Peter 2:1-3 You know when a baby is hungry. Everyone in earshot knows as well. Peter compares this sort of hunger to how believers should crave God’s word. This is much more than just reading a short devotional every day, or going to church once a week. Instead, this is a life-altering, desperate desire to connect with Scripture. Peter makes it clear that the absence of this in a believer’s life can lead to a critical and…

Holy Spirit on Board

Sermon text: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 It’s easy to think we’re free to do whatever we want. But the reality is that if you are a follower of Jesus Christ your life doesn’t really belong to you. Every Christian was bought with the blood of Jesus on the cross of Calvary. And because we’ve been bought with Christ’s precious blood, we’re not our own. At salvation, the Holy Spirit indwells every believer and is there to guide, comfort, convict and teach.…

When Times Get Tough

Sermon text: James 1:2-8 We all go through trials in life. It’s just part of being human. What’s different for the believer is how we respond to those difficult situations. James tells us that we should meet obstacles with joy. We don’t need to be thrilled about the struggle. But we should see every setback we encounter as an opportunity for growth in our faith walk.

Choose Life

Sermon text: Psalm 139:13-16 The debate over the beginning and end of life continues to rage. Abortion has ended the lives of millions of innocent children before they could even breathe their first breath. Assisted suicide is gaining momentum and becoming law in some states in the United States. What has been called a “culture of death” is casting its long shadow across what are considered civilized nations. But God’s people are called to protect life regardless of the morals…

The Year Ahead

Sermon text: Hebrews 12:1-3 Every one of us has been given a mission by God. In order to be all that God intends for us to be, we must rid ourselves of any distractions and sins which hold us back. We have the example of those who’ve gone before us to encourage us. But our greatest example is without a doubt Jesus Himself. We need to keep our eyes solidly on Him so that we don’t become discouraged.

Keep It Up

Sermon text: Hebrews 6:9-12 All Christians should strive to be spiritually mature. The writer of Hebrews noticed that some of his readers were falling short of this goal. They had not turned from God. Indeed, they had shown themselves to be faithful ministers to other believers. But they seemed to running out of steam as they got older. This is a challenge for many Christians today. They are tired or they feel they did their part earlier in life. The…