"religion" Tagged Sermons

Just Love Jesus

Sermon text: Philippians 1:21 We love Jesus because He first loved us. But does that love inform all that we do in serving Him? It’s easy to get caught up in doing kingdom work in our own power. While that doesn’t seem so bad at first blush, it’s not what Jesus wants. The church at Ephesus was guilty of this and Jesus told them they needed to repent. He doesn’t want people driven by duty and religion. He wants followers…

The Disconnect

Sermon text: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 The world considers God’s plan of salvation to be moronic. That goes for all who believe in it as well. But for those who put their trust in Jesus’ finished work, we know that it is actually the greatest demonstration of God’s power. Unbelievers of every generation mock and question and find fault with Christ and His followers. They put their confidence in shaky religious schemes and sketchy philosophical systems. But their most honored thinkers…

The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)

Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son is one of His most loved stories. But Jesus makes it clear from the outset that it is the tale of two sons. The younger son takes his inheritance and squanders it. But what about the older son? There is much to learn from the experiences and conduct of both.

My Way or God’s? (Matthew 12:10-14)

Would we be surprised if God wanted to do something completely different? It’s easy to get in a spiritual rut, personally or in the church. That’s never the work of God. Not only is He creative, He created creativity. But we can become very comfortable in our daily walk. Too comfortable. We begin to work God into our agenda, instead of the other way around. But Jesus stands ready to blow up our staid orthodoxy and to breathe His freshness…