"reaping" Tagged Sermons

Sowing and Reaping: Another Look

Sermon text: Galatians 6:7-9 We’re told to not grow weary in doing good. Why? We are promised to reap a harvest if we don’t get frustrated and give up. The thing is, sometimes the pathway to the harvest can get rough. Setbacks come and we can begin to question the strategy. This can cause us to try to take things into our own hands. And that’s when the whole sowing and reaping dynamic can get muddied.

More Effective Sowing

Sermon text: Galatians 6:7-9 The law of sowing and reaping is universal and God ordained. But it’s easy to miss the finer points of this important principle. First, if you plan to have a worthwhile harvest you need to sow with intention. A willy-nilly approach to sowing won’t yield very much of worth. Second, we must be careful to not limit our sowing opportunities. There are many occasions in our everyday life when we can sow seeds which honor God.

The Joy of Giving

Sermon text: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 The church in Jerusalem was struggling mightily. Paul was working on collecting an offering from among the churches in Asia and Europe to help them. The church in Corinth had decided to help, but then had second thoughts. Paul’s encouragement to the Corinthians provides four powerful principles for giving. First, you get out of giving what you put into it. Next, giving must be from the heart. Third, our ability to give comes from God.…