"Paul" Tagged Sermons
Let’s Take the Bible Seriously
Sermon text: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Paul would be dead soon. Timothy was next man up to head the early evangelism efforts of the church. Paul knew it would be a difficult time of transition, but he also knew that God would lead Timothy every step of the way. When the challenges came, Paul knew that Timothy could depend on the teachings of Scripture to carry him through. We are confronted with difficult situations today. Those same teachings are there to…
Don’t Think So, Know So
Sermon text: 2 Timothy 1:12 Paul was absolutely certain about his faith in Jesus Christ. Not only that, he had no question about the fact that Jesus would keep all that Paul had entrusted to Him. This included not just Paul’s own salvation, but that of everyone he had led to Christ. You and I and anyone who puts their trust in Jesus as Savior and Lord can have the same level of certainty.
Up or Down
Sermon text: Philippians 4:10-13 Paul went through a lot in His life after becoming a follower of Jesus. He experienced amazing blessings and bone-crushing defeats. But he learned to be content, regardless of his circumstances. The key to that contentment was his relationship with Jesus. Whether life was going great or not, Paul found his sufficiency in Christ.
The Joy of Giving
Sermon text: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 The church in Jerusalem was struggling mightily. Paul was working on collecting an offering from among the churches in Asia and Europe to help them. The church in Corinth had decided to help, but then had second thoughts. Paul’s encouragement to the Corinthians provides four powerful principles for giving. First, you get out of giving what you put into it. Next, giving must be from the heart. Third, our ability to give comes from God.…
Let the Spirit Lead
Sermon Text: Acts 16:6-10 The Holy Spirit would not allow Paul and his fellow travelers to go north or south. So they kept on going until they ran out of road. Only then did Paul receive his next directive from the Lord. This episode teaches us a great deal about how the Holy Spirit can lead our lives.
Focus (Philippians 3:12-14)
Paul had an amazing resume prior to becoming a follower of Christ. He considered these accomplishments to be so much garbage. He had also accomplished a great deal for the cause of Christ by the time he wrote his letter to the Philippian church. This wasn’t garbage at all. In fact, this was kingdom work. But Paul wasn’t going to bask in his past accomplishments either. He wasn’t done. He wanted to serve Christ effectively until the Lord received him…
On Call (2 Timothy 4:1-5)
We never know when the Lord will lead us to talk with someone about Him. It may with an individual who is searching for answers, or someone who thinks they know everything. He could want to us to correct an erring believer or witness to an unbeliever. Because we cannot know when those opportunities will come, we need to be ready all the time.

Staying Focused (Acts 20:22-24)
God never promised that the Christian life would be easy. Jesus certainly experienced this, as did the apostle Paul. But regardless of the circumstances, we need to keep our eyes on why we’re here. It also helps to realize that God’s mission is bigger than any one person.

The Value of Your Testimony (1 Timothy 1:12-14)
The apostle Paul had an amazing testimony. We read it not once but several times in Scripture. Charlie Whitcomb uses Paul’s testimony as an encouragement for each of us to praise the Lord for our salvation.

Free Indeed (Colossians 1:13-14)
We were all born with a sin nature. Not only does this make us do wrong things, it enslaves us to sin. Jesus came to free us from that bondage. Through His death and resurrection those who trust in Him for salvation have been rescued from the power and influence of sin. God transfers us from the darkness of sin to His glorious kingdom.
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