"Messiah" Tagged Sermons

Good Tidings of Great Joy

Sermon text: Luke 2:10-14 Most people, even those who only have a passing knowledge of Scripture, know Luke’s account of the birth of Jesus. It’s a moving and powerful recounting of our Savior’s entry into this world as a baby. Within this passage, we see the announcement of the birth to shepherds abiding in the fields. The proclamation made to them by the angel and then the angelic host is worthy of a deeper reflection.

Qualities of the King

Sermon text: Isaiah 9:6-7 Over seven hundred years before Jesus was born, the prophet Isaiah prophesied about Him coming to earth. In the midst of his prophetic announcement, Isaiah gives three descriptions and four titles for the coming Messiah. The descriptions tell us about His humanity and His servanthood. The titles give us a picture of His divinity. Together they speak of the One who is fully God and fully man, who came to save the world from sin.

The Coming King

Sermon text: Isaiah 11:1-5 The kingdom of Judah was in a desperate situation. The nation was being threatened with attack by its closest neighbors. The king looked to Assyria, the superpower of the time, for assistance. But the Assyrians could not really be trusted. Into this dire time came the prophet Isaiah. God sent him to the king with a strong message: trust God, not kings. But within this message are three prophecies that looked far beyond the international crisis…