"Mary" Tagged Sermons
Simple Truths: Joseph Edition
Sermon text: Matthew 1:18-25 Joseph of Nazareth was at a crossroads. He was engaged to Mary, but she was with child. Imagine the emotional turmoil he must have been going through! As he was planning what to do about this, he saw an angel in a dream. The angel told him the reality of who this unborn child was, and how Mary came to be pregnant. Within this well-known passage are some important truths for us. If you would like…
It Starts with the Heart (Mark 14:3-9)
Jesus said that the act of worship recorded in the focal passage would be spoken of wherever the gospel is preached. That’s a very strong statement, which Jesus certainly didn’t make lightly. But it isn’t what was done that captured our Lord’s attention. It was what motivated the action that made the difference. And it’s this motivation that should challenge every follower of Christ.

What God Says at Christmas (Luke 2:1-18)
As the events of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem unfold, we see God’s hand in everything happening. Pastor Bruce retells the account, stopping along the way to point out aspects of God’s love and grace. From the journey Mary and Joseph make to Bethlehem to the triumphal announcement of the angels, we see that God has much to say to us.

Why the Virgin Birth Matters
Both Matthew and Luke record Jesus’ miraculous birth as a settled historical fact. But over the years the reality of the virgin birth has been repeatedly attacked. Pastor Bruce examines the Scriptural evidence for this doctrine, both explicit and implicit. He then gives reasons why believing in the virgin birth is important to our faith.