"Judah" Tagged Sermons
The Coming King
Sermon text: Isaiah 11:1-5 The kingdom of Judah was in a desperate situation. The nation was being threatened with attack by its closest neighbors. The king looked to Assyria, the superpower of the time, for assistance. But the Assyrians could not really be trusted. Into this dire time came the prophet Isaiah. God sent him to the king with a strong message: trust God, not kings. But within this message are three prophecies that looked far beyond the international crisis…
Josiah: A Profile
Josiah was the final “good” king of Judah. He began to reign at eight years old, and he died at 39. But in those 31 years he impacted his nation greatly for God. This is more than just an historical profile, however. The account of Josiah’s life and reign has much to teach Christians today.

Flip Your Life (2 Kings 18:4-6)
King Hezekiah did good in God’s sight. Early in his reign he cleaned house spiritually. He tore down the idols and high places. He even destroyed a venerated object constructed by Moses. Hezekiah knew this was necessary to bring his nation back to God. Using this good king’s actions as a template, Pastor Bruce shares how we can do the same in our lives.

Make A Stand (2 Chronicles 11:13-17)
King Solomon’s son Rehoboam so angered the people that they rebelled. Consequently the nation separated into two kingdoms, Judah and Israel. The new king of Israel, the northern kingdom, quickly led his people into idolatry. Many of the Levites living there realized their only option was to flee Israel for Judah and the true faith of Yahweh. Their faithfulness is clear picture of what Jesus asks of all those who follow Him.