"Joshua" Tagged Sermons
The Thin Line of Faith (Joshua 2:15-24)
In the second week of our look at Rahab, the focus is on the clarity of the gospel message. The spies gave Rahab very specific instructions on what she must do to survive the conquest of Jericho. If she followed their directives, she would survive. If not, they would not be responsible for her demise. Similarly, when the Holy Spirit presents the opportunity to witness to a lost person, we need to present the plan of salvation in a clear,…

God’s Go-Live Date (1 Corinthians 15:3-8)
God planned before time began to send Jesus to save the world from sin. The Old Testament both shows how far into sin mankind can go. But it also is chock full of prophecies concerning the coming Messiah. Pastor Bruce gives a brief review of God’s dealings with humanity through the Old Testament and why Jesus had to come to save us.

Choose God (Joshua 24:13-15)
As Joshua gives his final address to the children of Israel, he challenges them to choose God and to keep Him central in their lives. In this sermon based on Joshua 24:13-15 Pastor Bruce shows that the same challenge exists for Christians in the 21st Century.