"humility" Tagged Sermons

Make Jesus Famous

Sermon text: Luke 3:16-17 John the Baptist was massively famous in Israel around 30 AD. Yet he knew his mission. He was a forerunner of the One to come. He was to prepare the people’s hearts for repentance. When the people began to question whether John may be the Messiah, he wasn’t coy about it at all. He pointed them to the One who was truly the Messiah.

Think Like Jesus

Sermon text: Philippians 2:5-13 Jesus was the greatest servant who ever walked the earth. In fact, His very mission was to come here to serve the most people. He accomplished that task perfectly, in that He took our sin upon Himself on the cross. The apostle Paul makes it very clear in the focal verse for this sermon that Jesus is the very embodiment of how we should live our lives. But not just in how we act. We should…

Pleasing God

Sermon text: 1 Kings 3:4-10 Early in his reign as king of Israel, Solomon saw God in a dream. God asked Solomon what He could give the new king. Solomon’s response is the basis of this sermon on pleasing God. We please God when we appreciate His love and mercy. He is pleased when we practice genuine humility. When we recognize our place in His plan, He is pleased. And finally, we please Him when we realize our need for…

Dealing with Sin

Sermon text: Psalm 32 Salvation opens up the avenue to a relationship with the Lord. Sin sullies that relationship and brings the believer grief and sorrow. When sin goes unconfessed, it builds up and makes confession increasingly difficult. But God is gracious to forgive us of our sin when we come to Him in humility.

Lessons from a Donkey

Sermon text: Mark 11:1-11 On the first Palm Sunday Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem. This was in fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. We really don’t consider the donkey much in the whole panorama of the triumphal entry narratives. But we can learn a lot from this humble animal used by our Lord.

No Worries

Sermon text: 1 Peter 5:6-7 We often hear people quote 1 Peter 5:7: “casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” Thing is, this is the second half of a sentence that begins in verse 6. And this is where things can go wrong. In order to experience the positive impact of verse 7, you have to put verse 6 into practice.

When It Gets to be Too Much (2 Corinthians 12:7-10)

Life can be tough. The apostle Paul knew this all too well. Yet he understood that in the midst of trials, God is there. He dealt with a thorn in the flesh that gave him fits. But Jesus told Paul that he wouldn’t take that thorn away. Jesus’ grace was greater than Paul’s thorn. And that thorn kept Paul humble. While every challenge in life isn’t there to teach us a lesson, we can learn from them. We can rely…