"church" Tagged Sermons

What’s Your Mission?

Sermon text: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 Every follower of Jesus Christ has a mission. Certainly we have the overall mission given to the church, to make disciples. We have a mission as a part of a local church. But we also have a personal, individual mission. This mission will definitely line up with the larger missions of Christianity and our local body of believers. But no one else will have a mission just like you do. Do you know your mission?

We Can Help

Sermon text: 1 Peter 2:17 In the midst of a fractured world, Christians have an opportunity to bring people together. We have the message of hope that so many need to hear. But the church must separate itself from the rampant shrillness that marks so much of modern discourse. Instead we must value people the way that God does. We must love our fellow Christians. We must fear God and get in line with His plan. And we must give…

The Salt of the Earth (Matthew 5:13-16)

Jesus intends for every one of His followers to flavor this world with His love. This has always been God’s plan. In order to be salt we cannot be divided in our loyalties. We must give our lives fully to Jesus Christ.

In God We Trust (Psalm 146)

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of putting your trust in other people. This is even more challenging when politicians are telling you what you want to hear. The promises sound so appealing. But our human limitations make this a risky venture. Instead, we should put all our trust in God. He’s been around forever and He’s the one who created everything. He just may know a little more than that candidate who wants your vote.