'cross' Tagged Posts

Mark: Lesson 38

Lesson text: Mark 15:33-47 After three hours of darkness in the middle of the day, Jesus dies on the cross. At the end He is still much stronger than the usual crucifixion victim. Watching all this transpire, the centurion in charge is moved by Jesus’ manner of death. Joseph of Arimathea asks for Jesus’ body so that He may be buried. Pilate is surprised by how quickly Jesus has died, but he approves the release. The women from Galilee who…

Mark: Lesson 19

Lesson text: Mark 8:22-36 The second half of the eighth chapter of Mark’s gospel is momentous. This is a pivot point in the narrative of Jesus’ earthly mission. For the first time, Jesus plainly explains to His disciples why He has come. While they are expecting that Jesus will set up his earthly reign, He explains that He is destined to die on a cross. Peter is not having any of it, and he lets Jesus know. Jesus in turn…

The Romans Road: Part 3

Lesson text: Romans 5:8 God shows His great love on more ways than we could ever imagine. But the pinnacle of that love was on display at the cross of Calvary. And what is truly amazing about this is that He did it knowing the rebellion and wickedness of humanity. Sermon: “Calvary”In order to gain an understanding of God’s love, it’s vital to grasp the importance of what Jesus did on the cross. This sermon recounts the events of the…